Part Time

Principal Technology Officer – Part Time Jobs Birmingham

Posted 3 weeks ago
United Kingdom
$5 - $10 per hour

Job Description

Job Type: UNPAID VOLUNTEER – Principal Technology Officer (PTO)
Location: Birmingham
Company: Blockchain & Climate Institute

In order to further the BCI’s primary goal, we are seeking a committed VOLUNTEER who approaches their work methodologically, carries out independent research and analysis, interacts with important stakeholders, and forges strategic alliances.

This is a senior position that reports to the CTO and is for a Principal Technology Officer (PTO). In all BCI projects, the chosen applicant will offer technical and strategic leadership for data analysis and the Internet of Things (IoT). In order to improve internal productivity and address climate change, you will be in charge of managing and putting into practice the usage of IoT, data modeling, data science, and related tools. You will work with partners to do research on new data sets, train and onboard new team members, run pilots and proof of concepts, and develop apps using pre-existing data sets.

This position is voluntary and unpaid, much like all other BCI roles.

Along with collaborating with top organizations and stakeholders in the field of climate and sustainability, you will have the chance to work with a diverse and enthusiastic group of professionals and contribute to the growth of knowledge and innovation in this field. Additionally, you will learn useful expertise in project management, leadership, and emerging technology.


  • Establish and carry out the technology roadmap and strategy for IoT and data analysis for BCI’s projects and activities;
  • Create, oversee, and manage the IoT and Data Analysis technology team, taking care of recruiting, onboarding, coaching, and performance reviews;
  • Find the finest IoT data sources and data analysis techniques based on research for our use cases and goals;
  • IoT, data analysis, data science, data modeling, and related tools are used to design, develop, test, and implement applications and solutions;
  • Guarantee our technological goods and services’ scalability, security, dependability, and quality;
  • Observe and assess the effectiveness and impact of our technological solutions, and offer suggestions and comments for enhancements;
  • Engage in dialogue and cooperation with both internal and external stakeholders, such as beneficiaries, sponsors, donors, and partners in the project;
  • Keep abreast on the most recent advancements and trends in the fields of sustainability, climate change, and emerging technology.
  • Provide chances to form strategic alliances; and
  • Engage with key stakeholders, present study findings and ideas using PowerPoint slides, and attend conferences and events to advance the BCI.


Proficiency & Capabilities

  • Outstanding oral communication abilities, including the capacity to forge productive collaborations, operate flexibly across operational and professional boundaries, and interact professionally at all levels with both internal and external stakeholders;
  • Outstanding capacity to reconcile conflicting demands under pressure and excellent organizational abilities;
  • Demonstrated aptitude for math- or computer-related activities in agile technology initiatives;
  • Expertise establishing positive connections with stakeholders;
  • Experience advancing initiatives on one’s own initiative by working both individually and in teams;
  • A track record of organizing, arranging, and directing independent research projects; the capacity to fulfill deadlines; additionally
  • Outstanding interpersonal, communication, and presenting abilities with the capacity to effectively and persuasively convey concepts

Both General and Expert Knowledge

  • Strong technical abilities, including fluency in Python, R, TensorFlow, PyTorch, Scikit-learn, and other programming languages, frameworks, and tools for data science and analysis;
  • Knowledgeable on a range of data sources, formats, and standards, including JSON, XML, CSV, and APIs; meticulous in their attention to detail;
  • Familiarity with creating and implementing cloud-based software and services on AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, and other platforms;
  • A list of recommended Open-Source GitHub projects (preferred);
  • Familiarity with budgeting, reporting, agile approaches, and documentation for technology teams and projects; and
  • Dedicated and well-versed in climate and sustainability challenges and solutions, possessing a strong sense of purpose and a readiness to acquire knowledge not only in technology but also in any other area that may be required to deliver significant climate measures.

Instruction and Guidance

  • A degree in computer science, engineering, information technology, or a similar discipline, either bachelor’s or master’s degree (or equivalent);
  • Proficiency in Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, or Spanish; fluency in English is also required.

Experience That Is Relevant

  • A minimum of five years of expertise in a related subject, such as data science, data modeling, data analysis, or IoT;
  • Agile business mentality that prioritizes coming up with original solutions;
  • Excellent project reporting abilities with an emphasis on communication across departments and organizations; and Previous experience working both individually and in teams to advance projects on your own initiative.


What impact will you have?

blockchain technology as well as other cutting-edge innovations. Sustainability and climate change. These are two trending topic areas that are stealing the show at conferences and events, making headlines in the media, and gaining momentum in studies and pilot programs.

Governments, intergovernmental and regional organizations, and pertinent corporations may navigate the complex world of developing technologies for environmental benefit with the support of BCI, an expert platform. In order to empower the stakeholders in the climate change and action network to make well-informed decisions, we solidify our knowledge by devoting significant effort to investigating, identifying, and evaluating the applications of emerging technologies.

There are several advantages to volunteering with BCI, some of them are as follows:

Your mind will be mentally stimulated, giving you a sense of purpose; You will advance and boost your professional career by helping you to make professional connections and giving you real-world experience at the intersection between climate and emerging technologies; and Help you develop long-lasting professional relationships with others. You will hone or learn new skills including research, presentation, writing, and professional etiquette. Individuals that get together to improve the world develop a strong bond.